Wednesday, 13 June 2012

The British Biscuit Festival

We had a great time creating lots of biscuit-inspired craft kits to share at The British Biscuit Festival at The Brunswick last weekend. We had a lovely space where lots of people got crafty with us, creating many a biscuit inspired creation. More pictures to follow but for now a cup of tea and an edible biscuit or few are called for ...

Thelma x

Monday, 4 June 2012

The biscuit festival

After long time no see, we’ve back on the road again at the weekend and will be taking ‘Crafternoon’ to The British Biscuit Festival, at the Brunswick Bloomsbury WC1, on Saturday 9th June.

We’ve chatted and crafted over many a biscuit, so we’re very excited to be invited along with our bag of tricks. We’ll be there from 12-6pm and we’ve got plenty of biccy-themed craft kits up our sleeve, so if you’re nearby come along and say hello!