Sunday, 29 January 2012

Feels so good to be a rose

Making these rosy pegs made me one happy lady. And the fact that they bloomed from a few left-overs from our last craft event, made me even happier. You just never know when a stripy strip of paper sitting lonely on the floor might come in use! So I tend not to throw anything away - and often think 'I'll have that'.

They were so simple to put together (paper + scalpel + glue) and I couldn't resist finishing them off with the prettiest of paper flowers. I don't know about you, but i'd feel very happy to be a rose!

Louise X

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Just for fun

Here’s a peek into what our lovely crafters got upto at our ‘Just for fun’ event on Sunday. Mothers came with their daughters, boyfriends brought along their girlfriends – and in between filling-up teacups and chatting to our guests, we were so happy to see the amazing creations people made from our DIY craft kits.

Thank you so much to everyone who came along! We’re hoping to put on lots more dates for 2012 – so we'll keep you posted and lets make it a crafty year to remember!

Thelma & Louise X

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

D is for...

...Dalmatian bows! This (slightly random) idea hatched from a series of happy moments over the Christmas break:
  • Learning to make these pretty bows.
  • Raiding my Grandma's cupboards for vintage playing cards, realising her never-ending stash was just what I was looking for and much to my delight was mostly made up of novelty animals. 
  •  Discovering a lovely old-fashioned (and pristine) set of the A-Z letter game Lexicon in the window of my favourite charity shop back 'Up North', which will make the perfect T&L signage solution for our future crafty events. 
I'm not quite sure what i'm going to do with the Dalmatian family yet, but they look happy enough for the time being. Thelma and I have got lots of exciting things planned for 2012- so i'm sure they'll make an appearance at some point! 

Louise X

Friday, 6 January 2012

Happy new year!

The perfect companion for those cosy wintery nights curled up on the sofa.

Some bits and bobs I made for Louise (with a few extra little things I got via the creative peeps at the Poundshop)

Homemade goodies I gave to my nearest and dearest for Christmas

So, I almost kept the promise I made here on this blog in November to make everyone's Christmas presents, cards and wrapping paper this year.

Time ran away with me and with only a day to go, I hadn't made anything. Cue panic stations! Well, there's nothing like a tight deadline to get the creative juices flowing. So I put my prized collection of jars to good use and filled them with hot chocolate, homemade cookies, sweets and cowgirl cookie mixture. Typed labels, tags and Christmas wishes at great speed (spot the spelling mistakes!) and got them wrapped and under the tree just in time. I did end up buying a few things, but the homemade goodies went down really well, so I'm sure with a bit more time and better planning I can banish a dash down the high street on Christmas eve this year.

I also wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported us in the past year, we couldn't have done it without you. We love setting up these events and seeing what people create, whilst eating, drinking and being merry. The people who come and join in seem to enjoy it as much as we do, so it's smiles all round.

Here's to a very happy (and crafty) new year to one and all!

Thelma x